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Demand to increase efficiency is continuous. Sales forecasts required for planning are far from actual reality.
Customization is the new norm.


How to ensure that production is never the constraint and has the ability to subordinate to the business needs?


How to improve cycle times and due-date performance when the production load and forecast are continuously fluctuating?


How to increase true productivity of the plant and reduce inventory?


Achieve remarkable production reliability by applying the TOC solution to Production (DBR), accelerating the flow of production, resulting in a significant increase in due date performance (DDP).


Reduce the amount of inventory throughout the system – raw material, work-in-process and finished goods – by reducing production lead times and synchronizing the release of work.

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Enable the company to increase sales by utilizing excess capacity that is revealed, without the need to increase investment.

Success Stories

Handmade Slippers

Case study: How Goldratt Consulting improved order management processes to boost sales & profitability for a large footwear integrator.

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